SytemView: Analysis & ProfilingEnabling Analysis & Profiling of Embedded System Behaviorexpand_lessSystemView is an application (for Windows, macOS or Linux) that performs system analysis and verification of embedded systems. No changes are required to the hardware or to the software of Target Systems when using a supported RTOS. More
Embedded Studio: Smaller EXECNew Embedded Studio 4.1 reduces program size of Embedded Systems.expand_less“Bigger is better” is not true when it comes to program size of Embedded Computing Systems. Less is more. A smaller executable can get the same thing done with less program memory (Flash), resulting in the ability to use smaller Microcontrollers and potentially massive cost savings. More
Flasher Secure protects your IPSecurely authenticate digital assets for mass productionexpand_lessThe new Flasher Secure is a mass production programming system, capable of protecting the vendor's IP regardless of the production site. It provides full control over the programming process at contract manufacturers. More
emCrypt Cryptographic LibraryState-of-the-Art Cryptographic Library scales from small to large hardwareexpand_lessSophisticated security and encryption software to meet the demanding cryptographic needs of modern embedded devices and the IoT universe. emCrypt is a complete software library of cryptographic algorithms, written entirely in C, with high performance. More
Embedded Studio:
All-in-One-IDEMake use of IAR and KEIL compiler with Embedded Studio for ARMexpand_lessSEGGER Embedded Studio is a complete all-in-one and powerful C/C++ IDE for ARM MCUs with pre-built ready-to-run GCC and LLVM compiler toolchains. Project Importers for IAR and KEIL enable a jump start for users with proprietary compilers. More -
J-Trace PRO for CortexStreaming Trace Probe for Cortex and Cortex-M defines new Standardexpand_lessJ-Trace PRO for Cortex-M is setting a new standard for trace probes. It enables continuous streaming trace via its Gigabit Ethernet interface, lifting the limitations by internal buffers and slow data transmission. More

Industry praises TRACEALYZERPercepio TRACEALYZER sets new standards in visual diagnosticsexpand_less
TRACEALYZER Video TutorialsWatch the new series of video tutorials about TRACEALYZERexpand_lessCheck out the new series of Tracealyzer tutorial videos made by a user of the tool. Learn about using STM32 CubeMX to create a project, configuring the trace library, debug probe, and STM32 Nucleo board, using Tracealyzer to view FreeRTOS trace data. More
New TRACEALYZER v4Brand new version of market leading visual analysis tool provides run-time insightsexpand_lessTracealyzer 4 has a brand new user experience, analyzes huge traces, visualizes I/O events and network activities together with RTOS events, customizes visualization and analysis, and much more. Check for a free Demo at the Embedded World. More
Percepio CEO Johan Kraft... interviewed by Jacob Beningo: Watch the video.expand_less
HOT: TRACEALYZER v4.8Major Update with Improved Trace View and Support for Zephyr, Linux, SafeRTOSexpand_lessTracealyzer version 4.8 has just been released, with major optimizations and improvements for Zephyr RTOS, and support for 64-bit target processors. More
Visualization for new ARM RTOSSoftware tracing tool for the new Keil MDK and ARM mbed™ OSexpand_lessPercepio AB, the leading specialist in software tracing tools for real-time operating systems, has been working closely with ARM to develop Tracealyzer for ARM® Keil® RTX5, the new RTOS in Keil MDK and ARM mbed™ OS. More

NEW: Razorcat TESSY 5.1Test without changing source code with fault injection in new TESSY 5.1expand_lessTESSY 5.1: With "Code Access" and "Hyper Coverage" in TESSY v5.1, embedded software testers can easily aggregate coverage across different tests, test levels and test tools - and automatically find hidden or untested code throughout the source code including all variants. More
TESSY: Professional Test ManagementTESSY automates the entire unit test cycle including regression testsexpand_lessTESSY automates the entire unit test cycle including regression testing for embedded software in C/C++ on different target systems. TESSY is qualified for safety-criticial software development according to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 standards. More
TESSY Certified Unit Testing ToolTESSY qualified for IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 standardsexpand_lessTESSY is a powerful and certified Unit and Integration Testing Tool for embedded C/C ++ supporting a wide range of microcontrollers, IDE/compilers and target platforms. TESSY is qualified for safety-related software development according to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262. More
CCDL: Check Case Def. LanguageUse CTE to transform functional specification into a set of test casesexpand_lessRAZORCAT Classification Tree Editiopr (CTE) provides a systematic and easy understandable way to create test cases in a graphical notation. It is used to transform a (functional) specification into a set of error sensitive and low redundant test case specifications. More
TESSY Finalist for Tool AwardTESSY recognized as both innovative and feature-oriented productexpand_lessTESSY, Razorcat's certified unit and integration testing tool has been nominated for an embedded award 2017 as one of three products in the "Tools" category. The awards recognizes innovative products both unique and future-orientated and which are developed or manufactured by the companies themselves. More
RAZORCAT CTE: Class Tree EditiorEasily create systematic test cases in graphical notationexpand_lessCTE Classification Tree Editior provides a systematic and easy understandable way to create test cases in a graphical notation. It is used to transform a (functional) specification into a set of error sensitive and low redundant test case specifications. More

PC-lint PLUS C++11 and C++14PC-lint Plus fully supports C++11 and C++14 and most of C++17expand_lessPC-lint Plus fully supports C++11 and C++14 and most of the soon-to-be published C++17 Standard by leveraging clang to perform the lexing and parsing for C and C++ source code. More
Gimpel Software Developer ForumShare the discussion about PC-lint by joining the Forumexpand_lessStay close to the developer community of Gimpel Software and share the discussions about PC-lint. More
Must have: PC-lint Static AnalysisPower tool that every C and C++ programmer should haveexpand_lessPC-lint is a power tool that just about every C and C++ programmer should have. Its ability to find subtle semantic and syntactic errors will save you time and make your programs more robust. Usually PC-lint pays for itself in the first week. More
NEW: Improved MISRA C2012 SupportPC-lint Plus further extends existing MISRA C 2012expand_lessPC-lint Plus further extends existing MISRA C 2012 support with new messages, improved message verbiage that more clearly explains the violation being diagnosed, and underlying type breakdowns. More

Eclipseina - empowering embeddedKnowledge provider → Embedded Academy / Solutions provider → EC-LIB®expand_lessOur new partner Eclipseina provides the EC-LIB® Fixed Point Library, trainings with the Embedded Academy, consulting in the embedded domain. Eclipseina - Empowering Embedded! More
EC-LIB® - WorkflowEmbedded C Fixed Point Mathematical and control-related Functional Libraryexpand_lessEC-LIB® provides you with easy-to-use and efficient solutions for implementing embedded C projects using fixed point arithmetic. Understanding the Workflow with EC-LIB
EC-LIB® - FREE trialTake the opportunity to evaluate the free trial versionexpand_lessDownload the free trial version and evaluate the EC-LIB® approach and handling. The quick-guide videos will help you to set up a first project easily. More
EC-LIB® - FREE web toolCalculate the resolution of your fixed-point variables, get code snippetsexpand_lessFREE tool for fixed point arithmetic providing support for resolution related calculations. It calculates the range from lowest value to highest value, the resolution and the shift factor. In addition to this it provides initialization examples for your fixed-point variables. More
EC-LIB® BenefitsEC-LIB® combines the advantages of floating-point and fixed-point-arithmeticexpand_lessEC-LIB® provides you with time savings, high-quality functions, increased efficiency and correct results. At the same time, you are prepared for the future because you can always switch from the precompiled version to the source variant. More
EC-LIB® - how to get startedJump-Start your EC-LIB Experience:
Watch the FREE Quick-Guide Videos on VIMEOexpand_lessLearn more about getting started with the EC-LIB®. Watch the free Quick-Guides consisting of easy-to-understand consecutive videos, accompanying your first steps. More
One-Stop-Shop for your next Embedded Project

RTOS, Core Libraries &
Connectivity, Security
embOS RTOSThe Heart of every IoT Projectexpand_lessembOS is a priority-controlled real time operating system (RTOS), designed to be used as a foundation for the development of embedded real-time applications. It is a zero interrupt latency, high-performance RTOS that has been optimized for minimum memory consumption in both RAM and ROM, as well as high speed and versatility. More
embOS-SafeSafety-Certified RTOSexpand_lessCertified real-time operating system (RTOS) embOS according to IEC 61508 SIL 3 and IEC 62304 Class C. embOS-Safe comes with a certification kit containing all necessary documents, including the comprehensive embOS Safety manual. More
embOS MPUHeart of Safety-Critical IoT Devicesexpand_lessembOS-MPU offers memory protection on top of the proven real-time operating system embOS. It significantly enhances both stability and safety for your embedded applications and thereby simplifies any certification process. The operating system and all tasks deemed privileged are memory protected and isolated from any ill effects of unprivileged tasks within your embedded system. More
emFileReliable Data Storage for your IoT Deviceexpand_lessemFile is a file system for embedded applications that can be used on any media for which basic hardware access functions can be provided. More
emWinBuild your Graphical User Interfaceexpand_lessemWin is designed to provide an efficient, processor- and LCD controller-independent graphical user interface (GUI) for any application that operates with a graphical LCD. More
emCompressSave ROM to Safe Moneyexpand_lessemCompress is a compression system that is able to reduce the storage requirements of data that must be embedded into an application. Compress on the host in advance, decompress in the target on demand. More
emLoadEasy IoT Device Software Updatesexpand_lessemLoad allows straightforward updates of embedded applications either with a USB stick, with an SD card or via USB-connection to a PC — or else via a serial connection (type RS-232, RS-485). More
EC-LIB Functional C LibraryModular C Library of mathematical and control-related Functionsexpand_less
Is this your Issue?
- Do you spend significant time and resources developing trivial functions?
- Is your view of the essential core of the developmen obscured by banal work?
- Are core competencies pushed into the background by basic and time-consuming functionalities?
- Is painstaking work distracting you from making the most of the potential of your development skills?
The you need the EC-LIB Functional C Library. More
EC-LIB Quick Guide VideosGet a step-by-step introduction to EC-LIB and watch the Quick Guide Tutorials on VIMEOexpand_less
- Technical Concepts of the EC-LIB
- Download the FREE trial version
- Integrating the EC-LIB in Eclipse
- Eclipse Configuration and File Setup
- Web Tool and Choice of Shift Factor
embOS/IPIdeal for Any Network Applicationexpand_lessembOS/IP is a high-performance TCP/IP stack that has been optimized for speed, versatility and a small memory footprint. It is written in ANSI C and can be used on virtually any CPU. More
emUSB HostEnhance Your IoT Device with USB Hostexpand_lessemUSB-Host implements full USB host functionality, including external hub support, and optionally provides device class drivers. It enables developers to easily add USB host functionality to embedded systems. More
emModbusStandard Protocols for IoT Deviceexpand_lessemModbus is SEGGER's implementation of the Modbus protocol. It supports communication via UART (ASCII, RTU) and Ethernet (Modbus/TCP and Modbus/UDP) and is capable to communicate with any Modbus compliant device. More
emUSB DeviceBoost Your Connectivityexpand_lessemUSB-Device is a high speed USB device stack specifically designed for embedded systems. The software is written in ANSI C and can run on any platform. A large variety of target drivers are already available. More
emSecureSecure Your Device and Prevent Cloningexpand_lessemSecure is a software solution to securely authenticate digital assets. It can be used to secure products against hacking and cloning at no per unit cost. More
emCryptState-of-the-Art Cryptographic Algorithm Libraryexpand_lessemCrypt is a state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithm library that scales from constrained devices to workstations. More
emSSLReliable, Secure and Built for IoT Devicesexpand_lessemSSL is a software library that enables secure connections across the Internet. emSSL offers both client and server capability. SSL/TLS is a must-have in nearly every application which is connected to the Internet. IoT products, smart grid or home automation markets benefit from securing their communication. More
emSSHProvide Security for The Administration Interface of Your Deviceexpand_lessemSSH is a software library that enables secure login to your embedded system. emSSH offers the possibility to establish a secured connection to any server application in your product. It can be used in target independent native computer applications as well as in embedded targets/applications. More
emLibData Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithmsexpand_lessemLib is a collection of data confidentiality and integrity algorithms which are easily deployed into an embedded system. AES and DES encrypt and decrypt data at rest or in flight, assuring confidentiality. CRC identifies errors in received or stored data, but does not correct them. ECC identifies and corrects common errors in transmitted or stored data, ensuring data integrity. More

Embedded Studio
Embedded Studio All-in-One-IDEEmbedded Studio is a streamlined and powerful C/C++ IDE for ARM microcontrollers.expand_less
- Cross platform—Windows, macOS and Linux support
- Powerful Project Manager, even for huge projects
- Advanced first-class Editor
- Package-based Project Generator for all common microcontrollers
- Pre-built C/C++ Compiler, GCC and LLVM included for an immediate start
- Royalty-free ANSI/ISO C compliant C library for embedded systems
- Feature-packed Debugger with seamless J-Link integration
- Project importer for other IDEs such as IAR
- Complete IDE/Toolchain for embedded systems
SystemView Verification of Embedded SystemsEnabling Analysis & Profiling of Embedded System Behaviorexpand_lessSystemView is an application (for Windows, macOS or Linux) that performs system analysis and verification of embedded systems. No changes are required to the hardware or to the software of Target Systems when using a supported RTOS. More
Embedded Studio PRO All-in-One-IDEEmbedded Studio PRO is an all-in-one embedded development package for ARM microcontrollersexpand_less
- All-in-one development solution
- Middleware components included in object code
- Included middleware: embOS, embOS/IP, emWin, emUSB-Host, emUSB-Device, emFile
- Runs out-of-the-box
- Start application development immediately with SEGGER's own emPower eval board
- State-of-the-art development environment the Embedded Studio
- Fully featured J-Link PLUS Debug probe
- All components developed and supported by SEGGER
- High performance software with very small footprint
- Royalty-free

Debug &
Trace Probes
J-Link Debug ProbesSEGGER J-Links are the most widely used line of debug probes available today. They've proven their value for more than 10 years.expand_lessFeatures:
- Ultrafast download speed
- Unlimited breakpoints in flash memory
- Real-Time Transfer technology for extended debug information
- All popular devices are supported (ARM, 8051, PIC32, RX)
- All popular debuggers are supported
- Cross platform support (Windows, Linux, Mac)
- Free updates
J-Trace Debug & Trace ProbesJ-Trace for Cortex-M is a debug and trace probe designed for Cortex-M cores which includes trace (ETM) support.expand_lessFeatures:
- Supports Streaming Trace (trace data is streamed to PC/debugger in real time, unlimited trace buffer)
- Has all the J-Link functionality
- Gigabit Ethernet interface
- SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface (1.2 GBit/s)
- JTAG speed: 50 MHz
- Works with all currently available Cortex-M devices up to 150 MHz ETM trace clock (300 MHz CPU clock)
- Supports tracing on Cortex-M0/M0+/M1/M3/M4/M7 targets
- Free software updates, two years of support
- 64 MB on-board trace buffer for legacy one-shot tracing mode

Flasher &
In-Circuit Programmers
Flasher ATEIn-circuit Gang Programmerexpand_lessFlasher ATE is an in-circuit gang programmer for high volume mass production. More
Flasher Portable PLUSMobile Handheld Programmerexpand_lessFeatures
- Stand-alone in-circuit-programmer (once set up, Flasher can be controlled without the use of a PC program)
- Powered by internal battery, no external power supply required
- Up to 10 hours programming with one battery charge
- Supports having up to eight configurations/data files being stored on Flasher
- Push button allows easy selection between multiple images/configurations stored on Flasher
Flasher ARMProgramming Tool for ARM MCUsexpand_lessFlasher ARM is a programming tool for microcontrollers with on-chip or external Flash memory and ARM core. More
Flasher STM8Programming Tool for STM8expand_lessFlash programmer for STM8 series of flash microcontrollers with on-chip flash. More
Flasher SecureMass Production Programming Systemexpand_lessFlasher Secure is a mass production programming system, capable of protecting the vendor’s IP regardless of the production site. More
Flasher PROProgramming Tool for ARM, RX, PPCexpand_lessFlasher PRO is a programming tool for microcontrollers with on-chip or external Flash memory and ARM, RX or PPC core. More

Visual Diagnostics &
Streaming Trace
Perecpio TRACEALYZER 4Zoom into your Runtime Worldexpand_lessTracealyzer is the premier trace visualization tool for developers of RTOS- or Linux-based embedded software systems. Get amazing insight into the real-time behavior of your software during development, debugging, validation and optimization. Boost your development and deliver robust, responsive software, on time and within budget. More
Select Your RTOSPercepio TRACEALYZER is available for most popular OSexpand_lessTo optimize the website for your preferred target operating system, make your selection in the below list of supported platforms.
- FreeRTOS
- Keil RTX5
- Linux
- On Time RTOS-32
- ThreadX
- VxWorks
- Zephyr
Benefits of TracingSource code alone does not give the full pictureexpand_less
Software tracing combined with powerful visualization allows for unprecedented insight. Improve productivity and quality in your software development, reduce project risks and time-to-market.<(p>
- Faster Trouble Shooting Better Software Quality
- Better Performance
- Control System Tuning
TRACEALYZER LicensingThe Percepio Tracealyzer host application is licensed per development seat or team.expand_lessThe following license types are available:
- Node-locked license
- Floating network license
- Subscription license
- Academic licenses

Automated Unit &
Integration Test
TESSY 5.1 by RAZORCATAutomated unit and regression testing of embedded softwareexpand_lessThe powerful and certified Unit and Integration Testing Tool for C / C ++ Embedded Software with support for a wide range of microcontrollers, compiler environments and target platforms. TESSY is qualified for safety-related software development according to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262. More
CCDLOptimal System Test: Check Case Definition Languageexpand_lessEditor and runtime environment stands for fully automated testing based on the easy-to-learn and applicable Check Case Definition Language CCDL. More
CTESystematic and Traceable Test Design with Classification Tree Editorexpand_lessThe graphic editor facilitates a systematic and traceable test design according to the classification tree method with less redundant and error-prone test cases. More
ITEIntegration Test Management of complex hardware and softwareexpand_lessThe user-friendly Integrated Test Environment (ITE) handles complex hardware or software test projects. More
Static C+ and C++
Code Analysis
PC-lint v9Static Analysis of your C code finds bugs, glitches and will improves the quality of your productexpand_lessPC-lint is a powerful static analysis tool that will check your C source code and find bugs, glitches, inconsistencies, non-portable constructs, redundant code, and much more. It looks across multiple modules, and so, enjoys a perspective your compiler does not have. More
PC-lint PLUSPC-lint Plus fully supports C++11 and C++14 and most of C++17 Standardexpand_lessPC-lint PLUS is a rewrite of PC-lint from the ground up. It combines the clang framework with Gimpel Software's 30+ years of static analysis experience to provide a product that supports the latest C and C++ standards. PC-lint PLUS fully supports C++11 and C++14 and most of the soon-to-be published C++17 Standard. More
In Focus: Zoom into your Runtime World

"…. We’ve tried Tracealyzer for FreeRTOS, and, I have to admit, we have been impressed. We’ve immediately found a bug and then discovered a troubling area in our code…"
Simonas Greičius, Software Group Manager
MGF Light Conversion, LITHUANIA
In Focus: SEGGER Embedded Studio: The "All-In-One" IDE - Video Tutorials
Embedded Studio is a powerful C/C++ IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for microcontrollers. It is specifically designed to provide users with everything needed for professional embedded C programming and development: An all-in-one solution providing stability and a continuous workflow for any development environment.
Read more about SEGGER Embedded StudioDownload and First Run
New Project Creation
CPU Support Packages
In Focus: RAZORCAT Tessy v4.3: Innovative Tool for Unit- and Integration Test
Learn the Basics
Software Variant Management
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