Your "One-Stop-Shop" for your next Embedded Project

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One-Stop-Shop for your next Embedded Project

RTOS, Core Libraries &
Connectivity, Security

embOS RTOS - The World Leading Real-Time Operating System for Embedded Systems
Core Libraries - Middleware - Professional Function Libraries for Embedded Systems
Connectivity MiddleWare - Efficient Stacks for Embedded Devices
Crypto & Security MiddleWare - Security Libraries optimized for Embedded Systems

Embedded Studio

Debug &
Trace Probes

Flasher &
In-Circuit Programmers

Visual Diagnostics &
Streaming Trace

Automated Unit &
Integration Test

Static C+ and C++
Code Analysis

"Do today already, what others think tomorrow only, steady is only the change."
Heraklit, Greek Philosopher (535 to 475 b.C.)
In FOCUS Today

In Focus: Zoom into your Runtime World

Tracealyzer gives amazing runtime insights for developers of RTOS-based embedded software during debugging, validation and optimization.
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"…. We’ve tried Tracealyzer for FreeRTOS, and, I have to admit, we have been impressed. We’ve immediately found a bug and then discovered a troubling area in our code…"
Simonas Greičius, Software Group Manager MGF Light Conversion, LITHUANIA

Read more about TRACEALYZER

In Focus: SEGGER Embedded Studio: The "All-In-One" IDE - Video Tutorials

Embedded Studio is a powerful C/C++ IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for microcontrollers. It is specifically designed to provide users with everything needed for professional embedded C programming and development: An all-in-one solution providing stability and a continuous workflow for any development environment. Read more about SEGGER Embedded Studio

Embedded Studio
Download and First Run
Embedded Studio
New Project Creation
Embedded Studio
CPU Support Packages

In Focus: RAZORCAT Tessy v4.3: Innovative Tool for Unit- and Integration Test

TESSY Video:
Learn the Basics
TESSY Video:
Software Variant Management

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