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Embedded Networking | Internet Solutions | embos/IP | emUSB | emModbus | SEGGER | Carnica Technology
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Ready-to-use Embedded Networking / Internet Solutions

emNet TCP/IPv4/IPv6 Stack


emNet is a CPU independent TCP/IPv4/IPv6 stack. emNet is a high-performance library that has been optimized for speed, versatility and memory footprint. It is written in ANSI C and can be used on virtually any CPU.

Main features

  • ANSI C socket.h-like API for user applications. An application using the standard C socket library can easily be ported to use emNet.
  • Runs "out-of-the-box"
  • Works seamlessly with embOS in multitasking environment
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emUSB Device - USB Device Stack


emUSB is a high speed USB device stack specifically designed for embedded systems. The software is written in ANSI "C" and can run on any platform. emUSB can be used with embOS or any other supported RTOS. A variety of target drivers are already available. Support for new platforms can usually be added for no extra charge.

Main features

  • Optimized to be used with embOS but works with any other supported RTOS.
  • Highly efficient, portable, and commented ANSI"C"source code
  • Hardware abstraction layer allows rapid addition of support for new devices.
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emUSB Host - USB Host Stack


Segger’s USB host software stack implements full USB host functionality, including external hub support, and optionally provides device class drivers. It enables developers to easily add USB host functionality to embedded systems.

Main features

  • Optimized to be used with embOS but works with any other supported RTOS.
  • Highly efficient, portable, and commented ANSI"C"source code
  • Hardware abstraction layer allows rapid addition of support for new devices.
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emModbus, SEGGER's implementation of the Modbus protocol, supports communication via UART (ASCII, RTU) and Ethernet (Modbus/TCP and Modbus/UDP) and is capable to communicate with any Modbus compliant device.

Main Features

  • Low memory footprint.
  • Supports ASCII, RTU and Modbus/TCP (and UDP) protocol.
  • Works out-of-the-box with embOS.
  • Modbus/TCP can be used with standard socket interface and any TCP/IP stack.
  • … and much more
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