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MISRA C/C++ checking provided by PC-lint


What is MISRA ?

"MISRA, The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association, is a collaboration between vehicle manufacturers, component suppliers and engineering consultancies which seeks to promote best practice in developing safety-related electronic systems in road vehicles."

MISRA C (1998)

Use the configuration file au-misra1.lnt found at Lint 9.00 Patches For a table detailing our MISRA 1998 checking see MISRA C 1998

MISRA C (2004)

Use the configuration file au-misra2.lnt found at Lint 9.00 Patches For a table detailing our MISRA 2004 checking see MISRA C 2004

MISRA C (2012)

Use the configuration file au-misra3.lnt found at Lint 9.00 Patches For a table detailing our MISRA C 2012 checking see MISRA C 2012 [ new ]

MISRA C++ (2008)

Use the configuration file au-misra-cpp-alt.lnt which enables the new 9000 level of messages and can be found at Lint 9.00 Patches The older configuration file au-misra-cpp.lnt is also still available. For a table detailing our MISRA C++ checking see MISRA C++. [ new ]

The au-misra*.lnt configuration files are well commented, and will indicate which Lint error messages are enabled for each of the MISRA rules that are supported.

"MISRA" and "MISRA C" and "MISRA C++" are registered trademarks of MIRA Ltd, held on behalf of the MISRA Consortium.