PERCEPIO AB: Sensing Software
Understand, Troubleshoot, Optimize
Percepio accelerates embedded software development through world-leading trace diagnostics. The Tracealyzer tool family gives a new level of understanding, allowing for better designs, faster troubleshooting and higher performance. Tracealyzer is available for Linux, FreeRTOS, OpenRTOS, SafeRTOS, Micrium µC/OS-III, On Time RTOS-32, RTXC Quadros and Wind River VxWorks.
The Tracealyzer software tools from Percepio are a family of highly visual diagnostics tools for embedded and Linux-based software providing a new level of insight into the running system. Simply put, with Percepio you will accelerate embedded software development.
Percepio’s core competences, embedded software and information visualization, is a rare combination. This has resulted in the amazing and unique Tracealyzer technology, that lets you look inside the runtime system in a new way. The intuitive visualization makes it easy for developers to understand, troubleshoot and optimize the software.
Percepio AB was founded by Dr. Johan Kraft in 2009. In February 2012 Percepio got the first investors on board and launched their first product, FreeRTOS+Trace. Since then, Percepio has established a significant number of international partners and has developed several new versions of Tracealyzer for other embedded software platforms.
Dr. Kraft is today CEO of Percepio AB, board member and the main product architect. Percepio was awarded “Innovator of the Year” by the city of Västerås for 2011.
Percepio AB is based in Västerås, Sweden.
CARNICA TECHNOLOGY is authorized partner of PERCEPIO AB and sells and supports the products and services as sole Distributor for Austria and Eastern Europe.