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Watch the Quick Guide Tutorials for
Eclipseina EC-LIB® Functional Library

What is EC-LIB ?

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Eclipseina EC-LIB is a modular library consisting of optimized mathematical and control-related functions.
It is designed for the development of embedded software and employs fixed point arithmetic for all computing operations that are being processed.
EC-LIB is implemented in C.

The following videos provide you with an introduction to the EC-LIB® embedded C fixed-point library. We inform you about the technical concept, show how to include the EC-LIB into your eclipse development environment with the correct setting and demonstrate the usage of the EC-LIB while coding based on a practical example.

EC-LIB Quick Guide - Technical Concepts

This first video of the EC-LIB® quick guide explains the technical concepts for the embedded C fixed-point arithmetic software library. It includes the data type ECLIB_FIX, optimization of the fixed-point resolution by means of the shift factor concept and defined software exceptions.

EC-LIB Quick Guide - Integrating the EC-LIB in Eclipse

This video shows how to integrate the EC-LIB® embedded C fixed-point arithmetic software library into your software project.

EC-LIB Quick Guide - Eclipse Configuration and File Setup

Video showing the Eclipse configuration and file setup for the example implementation. This is done after integrating the EC-LIB® embedded C fixed-point arithmetic software library into your software project.

EC-LIB Quick Guide - Web Tool and Choice of Shift Factor

This video introduces you to the example which was implemented to demonstrate the EC-LIB® usage. It includes the definition of the right resolution and shift factor with the webtool on and the definition of you ECLIB_FIX32 variables.

EC-LIB Quick Guide - Coding

This last quick guide video guides you through coding an example by using the EC-LIB® embedded C fixed-point arithmetic functions. This code implementation is done after including the EC-LIB® into the development environment and after defining and initializing the variables based on the input from the shift factor tooling.

Learn more about EC-LIB Functional Library