ABC Company Conference
Online German

„The phrase We have to create jobs is nonsensical.
We have to create products that can be sold,
then the jobs will come of their own accord“

Newsletter in February 2025

                                                - This is Percepio
                                        - ODD with Percepio Detect
                       - A must-have beyond cloud-native environments
                                - Mastering the increasing complexity
                          - Our partners at the Embedded World 2025                                        

 Dear Customer,

Welcome to the 20th anniversary of our Newsletter.

No two years are the same, but one thing remains the same: our curiosity to participate in how things change and develop.

Curiosity drives everything forward, pushes boundaries, broadens our horizons and forms the basis for our business success.

Many manufacturers in embedded development have specialized and developed core competencies. Few, however, have the big picture in mind.

SEGGER is one such company: With an all-encompassing range of tools and solutions for embedded development, no question remains unanswered for a project. It was a long development path - it started with a debugger, the J-Link.

Percepio is also on the same path.

This is Percepio
Percepio enables end-to-end observability for critical edge and embedded software systems across the entire product lifecycle of an embedded product.

As a user, you benefit from Percepio's tools through faster software development, better software quality and reduced deployment risks.

To understand what your project code is doing, to see how it runs and whether it stumbles, Tracealyzer is exactly the right tool: 
It works like a microscope for embedded code.

During application development, Percepio Tracealyzer provides real-time observability with software tracing and advanced visualization to quickly pinpoint software bugs and vulnerabilities. This accelerates time-to-market and improves software quality at product launch.

A few days ago, the company introduced Percepio Detect, an innovative tool that redefines embedded software testing, debugging and observability. Detect extends the functions of Tracealyzer with proactive observability and anomaly detection in the test phase.

For the operation and maintenance phase, Percepio DevAlert complements the portfolio and links seamlessly to Percepio Detect. This solution ensures secure post-deployment system monitoring and enables continuous improvement of reliability, security and performance.

Percepio's cooperation network ranges from leading processor vendors to operating system vendors in the embedded systems and loT space, including ARM, Infineon, NXP Semiconductors, STMicroelectronics, Renesas Electronics, Wind River Systems and Lynx Software Solutions.

For more information, please visit

ODD with Percepio Detect
With support for Observability Driven Development (ODD) as a new best practice, Percepio Detect integrates seamlessly into existing Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing (CI/CT) processes, paving the way for the next generation of embedded DevOps.

Designed specifically for edge devices and real-time systems, the solution enables developers to detect anomalies and stability risks in real time, provides concrete debugging insights and thus significantly increases product quality and reliability.

Percepio Detect addresses key challenges of modern embedded software development and simplifies the daily work of developers by:

 Early anomaly detection: monitoring system performance during testing uncovers subtle “near misses” and stability risks that would otherwise go undetected.

 More efficient proactive debugging: Detailed diagnostic snapshots are automatically taken at the first sign of problems - including core dumps, call stacks and system traces. This drastically reduces debugging time and enables precise analysis of anomalies based on operational data.

- Improved teamwork: A central server dashboard with remote access enables teams to analyze problems together in real time - even on production hardware.

Johan Kraft, CTO and founder of Percepio AB
“Percepio Detect acts as a sophisticated early warning system for embedded software projects and helps developers to detect anomalies before they turn into costly problems. 

For example, developers are not only alerted when the watchdog timer expires, but also when defined safety margins are exceeded - a decisive advantage for quality assurance.”

A must-have beyond cloud-native environments
Percepio Detect opens up new possibilities in the dynamic and diverse market for embedded systems, which is characterized by increasing complexity and networking. The solution enables Observability Driven Development right from the start of a project - an essential paradigm shift for software-based companies, as comprehensive product testing prior to market launch is hardly feasible anymore.

 Expanding market: The demand for observability solutions in the embedded systems sector is growing across all industries - and not just in safety-critical applications. Forecasts predict a global market volume of over 200 billion US dollars by 2026.

 Scalable on-premises solution: Percepio Detect has been optimized for a wide range of hardware and software configurations and can be easily integrated into local development environments. Independence from cloud services ensures maximum flexibility, data protection and security.

 Increased efficiency: Percepio Detect shortens debugging cycles and prevents reliability problems in production, resulting in significant time and cost savings. In addition, the tool helps companies comply with new cybersecurity standards that require continuous monitoring of system behavior and performance. Early investment in observability protects companies from costly risks further down the product lifecycle.

Andreas Lifvendahl, CEO of Percepio AB
“While cloud-native companies like Dynatrace and Splunk focus on large IT environments, we bring Deep Observability to the point where real-time insights are critical.

Percepio Detect underscores our commitment to bringing the concept of Observability Driven Development (ODD) to the embedded community. Our goal is to enable developers to achieve faster and more reliable development cycles - from conception to testing to deployment, with consistently high software quality.”

Mastering the increasing complexity
As RTOS-based embedded systems become more widespread, the complexity of software development increases: multithreading errors and sporadic stability problems are just the beginning.

Conventional test methods often reach their limits here. Percepio Detect closes this gap and offers proactive monitoring functions that are specially tailored to the requirements of embedded systems. This makes it a key tool for modern development, CI/CT and deployment processes.

In summary, companies in the embedded sector benefit thanks to
Percepio Detect from the following unique advantages:

 Proactive stability control: Early warning in the event of anomalies - from
timing violations, deviations from the watchdog timer safety margins to performance degradation.

 Smooth integration: Complete operation on local servers ensures maximum data security with simple handling. Shared dashboards link anomaly alerts with diagnostic data, promoting effective team collaboration.

 Complementary ecosystem: Percepio Detect works optimally with Percepio Tracealyzer for visual debugging and analysis of diagnostic data. The addition of Percepio DevAlert enables end-to-end monitoring of embedded systems - from development to post-deployment operation.

Our partners at the Embedded World 2025
Percepio AB invites customers and press to meet at Embedded World in Nuremberg, Germany, March 11-13, 2025. You will find Percepio as a partner at the booths of The Zephyr Project c/o The Linux Foundation (Hall 4 / Booth 4-170) and Logic Technology B. V (Hall 4 / Booth 4-238).

Our partner Razorcat Development will be at the exhibition. The stand number is: 4-420 in Hall 4.

Segger Microcontroller will also be present. I will let you know the booth number.

Stay curious.
I wish you a good first quarter.

Sincerely Yours,
Marian A. Wosnitza

„The fact that something has always been like this,
 does not mean that it must always remain so.“